
245.50 (0.00%)

Get started with Indo Mitra

Verify your existing account

Customers who have a loan account number or a registered PAN number at IndoStar, can access the Indo Mitra app.


Verify your age (above 18 yrs)

Customers who are over the age of 18 (legal driving age) can access this app.

Benefits of the app!

Access loan details easily

The Indo Mitra app allows all IndoStar Capital Finance Ltd customers to view and manage various aspects of their vehicle loans, straight from their phone.

Stay updated about new features

Pop-up reminders and notifications from the app will keep customers posted on every new feature.

Browse through our vehicle directory

View details, and pictures of all IndoStar commercial vehicles listed for customers and express interest accordingly.

Enhanced Features of IndoMitra

Complete list of Vehicles available for bidding

Vehicles are now listed with complete details – Photos, Location, Age, Registration no; etc.

Now bid for interested vehicles from within the app

Instant bid capture, with current and previous bids are stored under the ‘Bookmark’ section

Connect with IndoStar team for vehicle/bid details

Your Go-To Vehicle Loan Application - Indo Mitra